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The International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) là một tổ chức thành viên cấp chứng chỉ cho các cá nhân về kỹ năng bảo mật thông tin và kinh doanh điện tử. EC-Council đã đào tạo hơn 80.000 cá nhân và cấp chứng chỉ cho hơn 30.000 chuyên gia bảo mật từ các tổ chức tốt như Quân đội Hoa Kỳ, FBI, Microsoft, IBM và Liên hợp quốc. 

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ECSA - EC-Council Certified Security Analyst

The ECSA is a security credential like no other! The ECSA course provides you with a real world hands-on penetration testing experience and is a globally accepted hacking and penetration testing class available that covers the testing of modern infrastructures, operating systems and application environments while teaching the students how to document and write a penetration testing report. The ECSA program takes the tools and techniques you learned in the Certified Ethical Hacker course (CEH) and elevates your ability into full exploitation by teaching you how to apply the skills learned in CEH by utilizing EC-Council’s published penetration testing methodologies.
5.0 ngày

CEH - Certified Ethical Hackers

The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) program is the core of the most desired information security training system any information security professional will ever want to be in. The CEH, is the first part of a 3-part EC-Council Information Security Track which helps you master hacking technologies. You will become a hacker, but an ethical one.
5.0 ngày

CHFI - Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator

Digital forensic practices stem from forensic science, the science of collecting and examining evidence or materials. Digital or computer forensics focuses on the digital domain including computer forensics, network forensics, and mobile forensics. As the cyber security profession evolves, organizations are learning the importance of employing digital forensic practices into their everyday activities. Computer forensic practices can help investigate attacks, system anomalies, or even help System administrators detect a problem by defining what is normal functional specifications and validating system information for irregular behaviors. In the event of a cyber-attack or incident, it is critical investigations be carried out in a manner that is forensically sound to preserve evidence in the event of a breach of the law. Far too many cyber-attacks are occurring across the globe where laws are clearly broken and due to improper or non-existent forensic investigations, the cyber criminals go either unidentified, undetected, or are simply not prosecuted. Cyber Security professionals who acquire a firm grasp on the principles of digital forensics can become invaluable members of Incident Handling and Incident response teams. The Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator course provides a strong baseline knowledge of key concepts and practices in the digital forensic domains relevant to today’s organizations. CHFI provides its attendees a firm grasp on the domains of digital forensics.
5.0 ngày

CTIA - Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst

Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (C|TIA) is a training and credentialing programdesigned and developed in collaboration withcybersecurity and threat intelligence expertsacross the globe to help organizations identifyand mitigate business risks by convertingunknown internal and external threats intoknown threats.  It is a comprehensive specialistlevel program that teaches a structuredapproach for building effective threatintelligence.The program was based on a rigorous JobTask Analysis (JTA) of the job roles involved inthe field of threat intelligence. This programdifferentiates threat intelligence professionalsfrom other information security professionals.It is a highly interactive, comprehensive,standards-based, intensive 3-day trainingprogram that teaches information securityprofessionals to build professional threatintelligence. 
3.0 ngày

CND - Certified Network Defender

Cybersecurity now dominates the priorities of every enterprise striving to adapt to a post-COVID world. Forced to go remote, their workers’ identities and devices are the new security perimeter. In fact, cybersecurity for business is now as critical as internet access itself. The only program built for the world’s largest work-from-home experiment! Studies and news reports had demonstrated that cyber attackers are quick to attack the new, unprotected threat surfaces created when millions of employees started working from home. Providing network security to such an unprecedented, distributed ecosystem in this post pandemic world is every Network Defense Team’s acid test.
5.0 ngày

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