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Interpersonal Skills

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2233 - Time Management
Do you find yourself overloaded with work? Feel so stretched to the limit you can’t set priorities? Exhaust yourself daily without accomplishing your goals?
Remember, every minute of your day impacts the business. If you answer yes to one or more of the above, it’s time to make real choices about how to manage your time. This seminar is designed to combat the pitfalls of time management. It will help you identify causes of procrastination and indecision, pinpoint personal time-wasters and increase your concentration and focus. You’ll learn to schedule your time more effectively, stay on track and keep important goals top of mind, so you can stay in balance and be more effective and productive.
4.0 ngày
2133 - Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Why does emotional intelligence (EI) matter? Because at the core of every outstanding leader are the abilities to connect, achieve, inspire and act with resilience. Now you can learn to apply the best practices of an emotionally intelligent leader and give yourself a winning edge. EI helps you create and sustain unique opportunities and more impactful relationships.
This course uses an integrated competency approach to help you develop this crucial skill. You’ll get hands-on opportunities to practice and apply methods for consistently using EI as a leader. Attend this seminar so you can influence and motivate your organization’s workforce to new heights of achievement.
2.0 ngày