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An ninh mạng là một lĩnh vực không ngừng phát triển và có nhiều biến động trong thế giới đương đại. Với những khả năng hấp dẫn, đây là một lĩnh vực đang ngày càng được quan tâm. Để đối mặt với nhiều mối đe dọa đang nổi lên trong thế giới mạng, chúng ta cần chuẩn bị cho mình đầy đủ kiến ​​thức và chuyên môn; chứng chỉ an ninh mạng của Rocheston sẽ cho phép bạn trở thành chuyên gia được chứng nhận trong các lĩnh vực khác nhau về an ninh mạng . Tại Rocheston, chúng tôi thực hiện một cách tiếp cận sáng tạo đối với an ninh mạng. Rocheston cung cấp hai cấp độ đào tạo. Cấp độ 1 bao gồm nền tảng của các công nghệ hack và cấp độ 2 bao gồm các công cụ hack tiên tiến trong tương lai. Chương trình đào tạo Extreme Hacking® trang bị cho học viên kiến thức và kỹ năng để đạt được chứng chỉ RCCE® và được "săn đón" nhiều nhất.

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Technology Rocheston

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CMBL - Certified Master of Business Leadership

MBAs (Masters in Business Administration) have been the show stopping fad for the past decade. The MBA stood as a self-validating pre-requisite for anyone interested in going into management. But as we often do, as part of a crowd, we have lost sight of what the future needs. We have been creating shepherds when the world needs innovators. We have been creating managers when the world needs leaders. The changing times have blown in the way to the new world. A revolutionary stance in business leadership, the “Certified Masters in Business Leadership” (cMBL) is the future of leadership certification. The cMBL is a carefully tailored curriculum that aims at sculpting leaders and innovators. It is the future yard stick that will be used to judge the skill of executives striving to bring about a change in this world.
5.0 ngày

RCBDA - Rocheston Certified Big Data Analyst

Companies spanning across all industrial domains are experiencing a Big Data Boom! Several databases of digitally stored information and expert knowledge await us. Before the huge wave of digital data turn intimidating, we are saddled with a much-valued responsibility of managing the raw data. With computational powers growing at a spectacular speed, mastering this data-centric world can be challenging as well as fun. Big Data is to Artificial Intelligence what Automation and Robotics is to Internet of Things (IoT). Faster, better, and cost-effective decisions is what makes businesses successful and unique and Big Data technologies such as Hadoop and cloud-based analytics bring significant advantages while making such decisions. Big data analytics enables the organizations to handle a wide variety of data using advanced analytical capabilities including event, predictive and text analytics. These new data processing infrastructures includes faster hardware starting with faster multi-core processors and large memory spaces, to solid-state drives and tiered data storage for handling hot and cold data, to bring significant business growth.
5.0 ngày

RCIE - Rocheston Certified IoT Engineer

Tapping into the potential of IoT and all of the possibilities that it brings to businesses requires a well-rounded knowledge base and insights into the new technologies and systems emerging today. Understanding how machines and devices are built with embedded sensors and intuitive and interactive user interfaces enables professionals and businesses to take advantage of the opportunities created by the Internet of Things. A Rocheston Certified IoT Engineer will be trained in the various disciplines required to navigate the challenges of the Internet of Things revolution. The Rocheston Certified IoT Engineer course is made up of a comprehensive set of modules that provide both an understanding and insight into developments in networking, data management and analytics, communication devices, embedded systems and user interface design.
5.0 ngày

CCIO - Certified Chief Innovation Officer

Innovation has become a crucial factor that determines growth trajectory of organizations across the globe. Those companies which intend to stay at the top of their games understand the need to constantly come up with new strategies to succeed in the long run. But often, many businesses fail because they tend to be risk-aversive and fail to innovate. In order to effectively overcome these challenges, organizations need to designate a single person in control of all innovation programs in a company to suitably establish uniformity of command. Ideally this person needs to be the master of cross-functional value chain and lead from the front. Thus, creating a job profile that is set to become a major one in the next few years. The Chief Innovation Officers (CIOs) are set to take over the responsibility of ensuring that the companies manage to stay afloat through their innovative and creative strategies.
3.0 ngày

CCO - Cybersecurity Compliance Officer

Become a Chief Cybersecurity Officer by enrolling into the Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Compliance Officer (RCCO) Course. This course will equip you with skills for the next generation of cyberspace activities that the world is gearing up for. The Chief Cybersecurity Officer is the most coveted position in every company, academic organization and government agency around the world, that is replacing all other courses in the cybersecurity domain. As the cyberspace keeps evolving, it is important that organizations conform and adhere to the standards, regulations and requirements; as cyber technology will slowly take over and cybersecurity will become an essential part of life itself. Join this course to better equip yourself.
5.0 ngày

RCCS - Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Specialist

A few years from now, the Cybersecurity Specialist will have one of the most vital roles to perform within an organization, or even to secure an individual user’s system. Some of his/ her responsibilities include the following: • Assess security strategies for your networks • Put up defensive systems against unauthorized access • Configure security tools such as firewalls, anti-virus software etc. • Define access privileges, vulnerabilities • Identify loopholes and enforce risk management • Conduct audits and routine security checks • Develop incidence response solutions in the event of a breach • Educate colleagues in security protocols and procedures • Recommend security updates and create sustained platforms for cybersecurity
3.0 ngày

RCCE2 - Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Engineer - Level 2

The RCCE Level 2 program will give you a detailed, in-depth knowledge and hands-on labs. You will have mastery over hacking technologies and tools. The Level 2 program covers advanced futuristic hacking stuff. For instance, it looks at advanced blockchain exploits, quantum computing and cryptography, advanced ransomware and cryptojacking, etc. The RCCE Level 1 is a mandatory requirement, to move to the Level 2 program.
2.0 ngày

RCCE1 - Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Engineer - Level 1

The RCCE® Level 1 course will delve into the basics of cybersecurity along with hands-on labs. You will gain an insight into hacking technologies and tools. Level 1 covers the foundation of hacking technologies. For instance, it looks at Web application attacks, Trojans and Malware, Denial of Service attacks, metasploit, firewalls, cryptography, cracking passwords, hacking the cloud etc. The RCCE® Level 1 is a mandatory requirement, to move to the Level 2 program. The course is 100% Linux based.   Most sought after Ethical Hacking Training & Certification to get your started with Cybersecurity.
5.0 ngày

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