PAL-E - Professional Agile Leadership – Essentials
Duration: 2.0 days
The Professional Agile Leadership Essentials TM (PAL-E) is a 2-day hands-on workshop that uses a combination of instruction and hands-on exercises to help managers and other leaders who work directly with agile teams understand how to best support, guide, and coach their teams to improve their agile capabilities. The workshop provides a foundation for the role that leaders play in creating the conditions for a successful agile transformation. Leaders and managers are critical enablers in helping their organizations be successful, yet the role of leaders and managers in an agile organization can be quite different from what they are used to. This workshop uses a combination of instruction and team-based exercises to help participants learn how to form and support agile teams to achieve better results, and how to lead the cultural and behavioral changes that organizations must make to reap the benefits of an agile product delivery approach.
- Development of a common language
- Understanding of core problems in Product Development
- Professional introduction and establishment of Agile techniques
- Role management plays in the Agile change of an organization
- Theory and Principles
- Improving Value Delivery
- Value - The "What"
- Culture - The "Who"
- Professionalism - The "How"
- Scaling
The Professional Agile Leadership Essentials course is designed for managers and those in leadership roles who are responsible for the introduction and establishment of Agile methods and techniques in an IT organization/division.
All participants completing the Professional Agile Leadership - Essentials course will receive a password to attempt the Professional Agile Leadership I (PAL I) certification assessment. PAL-E class participants who attempt the PAL I assessment within 14 days of receiving their free password and do not score at least 85% will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost.
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