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Technology Google Cloud
Technology Alibaba
Technology Cisco
Technology VMware
Technology NetApp
Technology AWS
Technology AMA
Technology Microsoft
Delivery Mode
GCPGKE - Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine
This certification & training course will show you how to deploy and manage containerized applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and the other tools on Google Cloud. This course features a combination of lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to help you explore and deploy solution elements—including infrastructure components like pods, containers, deployments, and services—along with networks and application services. You'll also learn how to deploy practical solutions, including security and access management, resource management, and resource monitoring.
3.0 ngày
ACT86002 - China Gateway: Go China with Alibaba Cloud
As a leading cloud provider in China, Alibaba Cloud knows what it takes to be successful in the market. China Gateway is one of Alibaba Cloud’s flagship solutions that helps customers in all sectors to tap into and scale up in China.
1.0 ngày
ACT86001 - Digital Transformation for Retail Industry
The concept of New Retail was raised by Jack Ma in 2016, which refers to generic retail that is data driven and centered on consumer experience. In this course, you will learn about the core concepts of new retail, the process of the new retail transformation and also the new retail solutions provided by Alibaba Cloud
1.0 ngày
ACT81009 - Alibaba Cloud Database Solutions
This course is designed to help our audience to know details of Alibaba Cloud offered fully managed database services. Our database solutions also provide capabilities to monitor, backup, and recover your database automatically so that you can fully focus on your business development. To provide more stable and scalable database services, Alibaba Cloud also optimized the source code based on the open-source database engines. In this course, you will learn our full database services portfolio such as ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL and ApsaraDB RDS for PPAS, Redis, POLARDB, DTS, etc.
1.0 ngày
ACT81006 - Alibaba Cloud Network Solutions
This course is designed to introduce Alibaba Cloud network solution which can help our customers substantially solve many challenges like cross region, cross border, hybrid cloud connection, etc. Our solution provides E2E data transmission encryption, global network coverage and ultra-low latency to eliminate enterprises' security and reliability concerns. In addition, our smart routing mechanism and enterprise grade reliability will also be introduced in this training, so that you will know how to connect your cloud service endpoints seamlessly access worldwide.
1.0 ngày
ACT83001 - Alibaba Cloud Security Solutions
Cybersecurity can be a mysterious domain for those looking in from the outside. In this course, you will gain an introduction to the history of cloud security, Alibaba Cloud offerings and the roadmap to better security on the cloud.
1.0 ngày
ACT81005 - Alibaba Cloud Advanced Product
The Alibaba Cloud Advanced Products course is designed to provide Developers, Technical Operators, Solution Architecture Engineers with deployment and management skills for Alibaba Cloud basic products including VPC, Auto-Scaling, CDN, Security Products, etc. Moreover, it includes intuitive online labs led by experienced instructors to help you obtain direct hands-on experience on those products configuration and operations.
1.0 ngày
ACT81002 - Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations - Basic Products
The "ACT81002 Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations - Basic Products" course is designed to provide Developers, Technical Operators, Solution Architecture Engineers with deployment and management skills for Alibaba Cloud basic products including ECS, OSS, SLB, RDS, etc. Moreover, it includes intuitive online labs led by experienced instructors to help you obtain direct hands-on experience on those products's configuration and operations.
1.0 ngày
ACT81001 - Alibaba Cloud Technical Essentials
In the era of Data Technology, you may be asking the following questions:
What is cloud computing?
How do cloud products like Elastic Compute Service, RDS, Server Load Balancer, and Object Storage Service for Alibaba Cloud work?
Where and why should I use cloud services to replace my traditional IT infrastructure?
To answer these questions and help you benefit from cloud technology, Alibaba Cloud professionals recommend the following course: "Alibaba Cloud Technical Essentials."
1.0 ngày
ACT81007 - Alibaba Cloud Container Service Best Practice
This course is designed to enable Developers who want to learn comprehensive knowledge about Docker, Kubernetes and Alibaba Cloud Container Service. We will cover Docker basic, Kubernetes architecture and major concepts like pod, deployment, service, ingress, etc. We will also introduce Alibaba Cloud Container Service’s capabilities, competencies and some best practice on network, storage setup interacting with other Alibaba Cloud products.
1.0 ngày
ACT81004 - Alibaba Cloud Migration Solutions
Alibaba Cloud Migration Solutions" is a course designed to enable Technical Operators, Solution Architectures to master the skills of using different tools and core products of Alibaba Cloud to implement migration from different source like IDC or other cloud providers. The course covers the application migration, structured data, unstructured data migration scenarios and corresponding solutions and recommended tool sets. Regarding each of the different scenarios, it also includes a number of intuitive online labs led by experienced instructor that can help you obtain direct hands-on experience.
1.0 ngày
ACT81003 - DevOps on the Cloud
DevOps on the Cloud is a course designed to enable Developers, Technical Operators, Solution Design Engineers with the deployment and management skills of core Alibaba Cloud products. The course describes the idea of DevOps and covers the specific Alibaba Cloud features and tools related.
1.0 ngày
ACT8100125BC - Alibaba Cloud Computing
The Bootcamp is a combination of under-mentioned 3 training programs.
Day 1 - ACT81002
Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations - Basic Products
The "ACT81002 Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations - Basic Products" course is designed to provide Developers, Technical Operators, Solution Architecture Engineers with deployment and management skills for Alibaba Cloud basic products including ECS, OSS, SLB, RDS, etc. Moreover, it includes intuitive online labs led by experienced instructors to help you obtain direct hands-on experience on those products's configuration and operations.
Day 2 - ACT81005
Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations - Advanced Products
The "ACT81005 Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations - Advanced Products" course is designed to provide Developers, Technical Operators, Solution Architecture Engineers with deployment and management skills for Alibaba Cloud basic products including VPC, Auto-Scaling, CDN, Security Products, etc. Moreover, it includes intuitive online labs led by experienced instructors to help you obtain direct hands-on experience on those product's configuration and operations
2.0 ngày
ACT82007 - Product introduction of Internet of things platform
Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform allows IoT companies stable communication between devices and the IoT Platform. Featuring nodes deployed globally, devices around the world can communicate with the IoT platform rapidly and with low latency. Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform also provides various security measures that guarantee individual device security as well as secure communication between devices and the IoT platform.
1.0 ngày
ACT82006 - Data Mid-End (DME) Consultant Training
Data Mid-End is a methodology together with products developed according to the best practices in the field of data of Alibaba Group. It designed to help users create and manage intelligent and unified data assets and empower innovation, as well as a comprehensive one-stop solution including data integration, warehouse modeling, identity and profile distilling, asset management, and data services.
1.0 ngày
ACT82005 - Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning and AI
This course will introduce Alibaba Cloud’s ultra-intelligent AI Platform for solving complex business and social problems. Powered by new advanced technologies, Alibaba AI technology is powering global breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
1.0 ngày
ACT82004 - Alibaba Cloud RealTime Compute
Realtime Compute offers a highly integrated platform for real-time data processing, which optimizes the computing of Apache Flink. With Realtime Compute, we are striving to deliver new solutions to help you upgrade your big data capabilities in your digital transformations. In this course, we will show you how to quickly start to user Realtime Compute, as well as the knowledge of the components of stream computing ecosystem like datahub, Apache Kafka and DataV.
1.0 ngày
ACT82003 - Alibaba Cloud E-MapReduce
Alibaba Cloud Elastic MapReduce (E-MapReduce) is a system solution for big data processing that runs on the Alibaba Cloud platform. E-MapReduce is built on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) and is based on open-source Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. It facilitates the use of other peripheral systems (for example, Apache Hive) in the Hadoop and Spark ecosystems to analyze and process data. You can also easily import data to and export data from other cloud data storage systems and database systems, such as Alibaba Cloud OSS and Alibaba Cloud RDS.
1.0 ngày