2128 - AMA : Achieving Leadership Success Through People
2128 - AMA : Achieving Leadership Success Through People
Duration: 3.0 days
Lead more effectively by creating rapport, synergy and two-way trust.
The most successful leaders are those with the best people skills, especially during the most difficult circumstances. Poor communication and interpersonal relationships routinely thwart leaders who are otherwise technically competent. In order to succeed, leaders must be fully engaged with the individuals who make up their organization. Focusing skill-by-skill on P.E.O.P.L.E. (Professionalism, Empathy, Optimism, Partnering, Loyalty and Empowering) this seminar can help anyone in a position of leadership to better demonstrate caring as well as courage, and to use a P.E.O.P.L.E. approach to achieve maximum results.
- Define Leadership and the Measures of Leadership Success
- Exhibit the Skills of the PEOPLE Path to Achieving Leadership Success: Demonstrate Professionalism and Empathy; Lead with Optimism; Create Partnerships; Demonstrate Loyalty and Earn Loyal Followership; Empower Yourself and Others
- Describe the Benefits of the PEOPLE Path to Successful Leadership
- Identify Ways to Develop PEOPLE Skills
Achieving Leadership Success Through Professionalism
- Define Professionalism
- Describe Its Importance to Successful Leadership
- Describe and Demonstrate Five Components of Professionalism
- Assess Your Personal Level of Professionalism
- Identify Ways to Demonstrate Professionalism at Work
Achieving Leadership Success Through Empathy
- Define Empathy
- Describe Its Importance to Successful Leadership
- Describe and Demonstrate Three Components of Empathy
- Explain How Relational Listening Helps Develop Empathy
- Describe How Considering Different Personality Types Relates to Empathy
- Identify Ways to Demonstrate Empathy at Work
Achieving Leadership Success Through Optimism
- Define Optimism
- Describe Its Importance to Successful Leadership
- Describe and Demonstrate Four Dimensions of Optimism
- Identify Situations in Which Optimism Is or Is Not Appropriate
- Describe and Demonstrate Resilience
- Identify Ways to Demonstrate Optimism at Work
Achieving Leadership Success Through Partnership
- Define Partnership
- Describe Its Importance to Successful Leadership
- Describe and Demonstrate Partnering Techniques to Create Synergy and Handle Conflict
- Assess Your Tendencies and Preferences in Partnering with Others
- Identify Ways to Create Partnerships at Work
Achieving Leadership Success Through Loyalty
- Define Loyalty
- Describe Its Importance to Successful Leadership
- Describe Five Ways to Demonstrate Loyalty
- Describe Four Steps to Earning Loyal Followership
- Identify Ways to Demonstrate Loyalty and Earn Loyal Followership at Work
Achieving Leadership Success Through Empowerment
- Describe Empowerment
- Describe Its Importance to Successful Leadership
- Describe and Demonstrate Skills for Being am Empowered and Empowering Leader
- Identify Ways to Be an Empowered and Empowering Leader at Work
Senior managers, directors, vice presidents and other executives, as well as midlevel managers and others in positions of leadership.
While there are no direct pre-requisites, here are some of the benefits realized of this course:
- Understand the components of professionalism and the importance of setting a good example
- Coach and develop your direct reports/colleagues to be more hopeful and empathetic as they develop greater professionalism
- Create genuine partnerships and unity with, and among, direct reports/colleagues
- Be more optimistic through reframing, resilience and positive language skills
- Learn and apply the components of loyalty to create “loyal followership”
- Trust and empower your direct reports/colleagues more
This course is not associated with any Certification.
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