2501 - Developing Executive Leadership
2501 - Developing Executive Leadership
Duration: 4.0 days
When you’re focused on your organization’s future every day of every workweek, it’s vital that you are well equipped to optimize your company’s performance—as well as your own career—with executive leadership training.
What does it mean to be an executive leader? It means you’re a visionary, a trailblazer, a strategist, a communicator, a coach, a diplomat and a politician. Pride, commitment and camaraderie. Those are the words you describe your team. You’re able to focus on the big picture and uphold high standards while wearing many hats. We know It takes laser-precise vision to be an executive leader. Join your peers in this course to craft your own leadership style, build an extraordinary team and master the competencies of effective executive leadership.
- Identify and Begin to Address Your Leadership Challenges
- Analyze the Results of Your Self-Assessment Strengths and Development Needs
- Relate the Components of Strategic Leadership to Your Organization
- Assess Your Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Your Leadership potential
- Understand and Apply the Concepts of Strategic Leadership
- Coach Employees Toward Improved Performance
- Discover Your Personal Values and Ethics and Their Influence on Your Leadership
- Identify and Apply Practices That Influence Motivation and Engagement
- Assess the Culture of Your Organization.
- Apply Techniques of Inspirational Leaders
- Create a Personal Development Plan to Bolster Your Executive Performance
My Leadership Journey
- Identify Your Most Important Leadership Challenges and Gain Insights on How to Address Those Challenges
- Describe the AMA’s Total Professional Model and Leader Level Competencies
- Identify Your Strengths and Development Needs Based on AMA’s Leader Level Competencies
- Evaluate the Relationships Between Your Leadership Challenges and Your Assessment Results
Strategic Leadership, Part 1
- Describe Leadership and Management Behaviors
- Define the Elements of Strategic Leadership and a Strategic Plan
- Specify Your Mission, Vision, and Values
- Apply Strategies of Goal Setting to Set Goals That Can be Accomplished
- Explain the Significance of Prioritization
Strategic Leadership, Part 2
Professional Effectiveness
- Define Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) and its Importance
- Identify Your E.I. Strengths and Development Needs
- Apply Techniques/Practices to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
- Explain Your Strategy for Professional Effectiveness and Demonstrate it By Practicing Positive Communication and Presence Skills
- Describe How to Align the Culture of Your Team with Your Strategy
Developing the Talent of Others, Part 1
- Identify the Relationships Between Work Environment and Individual Factors of Performance
- Compare the Relationships Between Strategy and Individual Performance
Developing the Talent of Others, Part 2
- Identify the Relationships Between Work Environment and Individual Factors of Performance
- Compare the Relationships Between Strategy and Individual Performance
- Apply Strategic Leadership Skills to Develop Team Members
- Practice a Coaching Process to Support Self-Reliant Problem-Solving
Aligning Organizational Culture and Engagement with Strategy, Part 1
- Explain the Importance of Shaping Organizational Culture
- Analyze the Culture of Your Organization or Team
- Examine the Alignment of Your Personal Values with the Values of Your Organization
- Identify the Types of Organizational Cultures and Their Influence on Members
Aligning Organizational Culture and Engagement with Strategy, Part 2
- Describe the Importance of Leading an Ethical Organizational Culture
- Select Practices to Create and Maintain Trust with Your Team Members
The Art and Science of Inspirational Leadership
- Describe the Relationship Between Leadership and Employee Engagement
- Create and Share a Personal Crest That Describes Your Authentic Leadership Attributes
- Identify Actions That Create a More Motivating Workplace
- Differentiate Between Recognition and Reward Practices Based on the Personal Preferences of Others
Leadership Development Plans
- Prepare and Plan for Your Continued Leadership Development
- Complete and Receive Feedback on Your Leadership Development Plan
This seminar is designed to provide executive leadership training for midlevel managers or executives who lead others with managerial responsibility. It will benefit executives who require strong decision-making skills and the ability to lead and motivate others.
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