ATC-CCAP - Cobol/CICS Application Programming
ATC-CCAP - Cobol/CICS Application Programming
Duration: 5.0 days
CICS Command Level Programming provides an understanding of the CICS system, application environment and typical applications. The structure of CICS pseudo-conversational application programs are discussed and reviewed in detail. The course consists of a series of lectures, discussions and class exercises with hands-on programming sessions.
- Write, compile, walk-thru, and execute CICS programs
- Demonstrate the use of major CICS commands
- Develop user screens utilizing Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
- Assemble, test, and debug BMS maps
- Access data in a CICS program from a VSAM file, a DB2 table, a TD queue, a TS queue
- Compile, debug, and execute CICS programs
CICS concepts and terminology
- CICS concepts, facilities, components
- Eight steps in CICS program development
Using Basic Mapping Support (BMS)
IBM 3270 display screen characteristics
- Coding BMS macros instructions
CICS Command Level programming
- Program design concepts - Pseudo-conversational
- Command Level COBOL
Program Design (beyond the basic commands)
The EXEC Interface Block (EIB)
- Terminal Control
- CICS File Control commands
- Exceptional Condition Control
- Special programming techniques
Program control facilities
'Transfer' to another program (XCTL)
- 'Link' to a sub-program (LINK)
- Return control (RETURN)
- The Communications Area
Test and Debugging
Overview of storage control facilities
- Transient data queues
- Temporary storage queues
- Journaling
- CICS system tables
CICS Command Level Programming is intended for programmers who must understand the flow of CICS and write and debug CICS COBOL application programs.
- Six months of experience with TSO/ISPF
- Job Control Language (JCL) And MVS Utilities
- COBOL Basic Programming
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